Admission Procedure

  • Application form for admission can be downloaded from school website or collected in person from the school admission office between 8.30 am and 14.00 pm Monday to Saturday.
  • Fill in the Application Form. Keep all necessary information handy (caste, date of birth etc.) before you fill in. Give correct contact details as this is the crucial link for further communication.
  • The Application has to be signed by both the parents/guardians.

We welcome your queries on the Admissions Process. To know more please contact us


  • Submit Completed Application Form by hand at the Admissions Office along with the required documents and Register by paying Rs. 100. In all cases registration fee is payable and is non-refundable.
  • In case of online submissions, the Application Form fees and Registration Fees will be collected during Admission along with other payments due. The Application Form will also be signed by both the parents/guardians during the Parent Meet.

Communication from School after Registration:

  • You will receive a mail/call in 3 working days, regarding further process of admission with the date and time for the Family Meet and Level Readiness Check.
  • Level Readiness Check and Family meet is scheduled between Monday and Friday to facilitate presence of both the parents.
  • Each parent will be given a particular time. If you receive an afternoon slot, see to it that your child has had his meals so that he/ she is able to perform well in the Level Readiness Check and is active throughout the process.
  • Kindly confirm your appointment via email or a telephonic call. Failure to turn up for the meet will cancel your admission registration.

Family Meet:

  • Submission of the completed and signed Application Form along with all the relevant documents is mandatory.
  • It is compulsory for both the parents / guardians to attend the Family Meet.
  • If you are not a resident of Lucknow, you can go ahead with the registration process; however, you need to complete the formalities of provisional admission.

Provisional Admission:

  • Provisional admission may be considered only for those out-station parents seeking admission and who are unable to come in person for the admission process. A seat can be kept on hold for your ward.
  • On registering Online along with necessary documents, Admissions Office will email you the next steps for provisional admission.
  • Someone on your behalf (family member/colleague, friend etc.) should come and complete few formalities. Submit Registration form, Submit documents and pay necessary fees.
    The Admission is confirmed only when the level readiness check and family meet are completed when you come to school.
  • Parents need to come for further process of admission latest by one week beyond which the provisional admission cannot be extended, unless with special permission from the Principal.

Written test shall be conducted wherever applicable, for the following subjects:

  • Classes I-VI: English, Mathematics, EVS
  • Classes VII-X: English, Mathematics, Science

Finalization of Admission:

  • After the level readiness check & Family Meet, the admission is granted.
  • Subsequently pay the next 2 installments of the Annual Fees and Tuition Fees by 1Nov2020 and 1Feb2021. in Fourt Para add mode of payment as POS / Card Swipe
  • Parents need to make payments in digital form – by cheque, draft or IMPS/RTGS/Bank Transfer favoring “Sanskriti Public School – Karera”. Bank charges, if any, will be borne by the parents. Cash will not be accepted.

Admission Withdrawal:

  • Parents intending to withdraw their wards from The Sanskriti School-Lucknow need to submit a written application before the due date of school fees. Telephonic, Verbal or email communications will not be accepted.
  • Transfer Certificate Application form needs to be filled and signed by both the parents as signed at the time of admission.
  • If the parent is a single parent/any legal case pending/ a decree etc. submission of relevant documents is also mandatory.
  • Without the appropriate documents, the school leaving certificate will not be processed.

Transfer Certificate:

  • The Transfer Certificate Form needs to be certified as ‘No Dues’ from Class Teacher, Library, Accounts Office and Administration Department.
  • All dues must be settled and all relevant fees has to be paid in full and no refunds will be entertained with regards to payment of school fees
  • On completion of all formalities, the ‘Transfer Certificate’ will be produced within 10 working days.

Refund of One- Time Caution Deposit Fees (If applicable):

  • If A Refundable Deposit is applicable – The ‘Original Refundable Deposit Certificate’ or the Challan receipt as proof has to be submitted along with the application.
  • If the challan or Deposit Certificate has been misplaced, an affidavit from a Notary will be required on a stamp paper stating the same.